Thursday, September 15, 2011

Lauren Mollica.

Lauren was on Rookie and Gallaz. She's from New Brunswick, New Jersey. She may or may not have a Tumblr account in her name that has lots of pictures of tattoos.

Sometimes it's hard to find relevant background info on people. That's pretty much been the case this week and won't be changing for tomorrow. At least tomorrow's ad is totally awesome, not that there is really anything wrong with today's post. I'm just sticking to the Seinfeld tradition of going out on a high note.

It's a Yuri photo.

Slap - August 2000 Volume 9 Number 8


Stone said...

I noticed that no one's been commenting on these Rookie posts, so I decided to chime in and say thanks. I always thought that the company had great Art Direction and it was nice seeing a company (originally) marketed to females that didn't succumb to the usual cliches (e.g. flowers and all pink everything).

Can't wait to see tomorrow's post!!

justin said...

I agree. I think that's what I like about them. I'm sure some of the riders had interviews, but I haven't had the needed amount of free time to track them down. I found a Jess Van Rockout interview a day after the fact.

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