Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Bryan Herman.


Bryan would have been about 14 or 15 in this photo. He was one of the ams when Baker started, with Knox Godoy and Terry Kennedy. He was also riding for Emerica then and still is today. His split part with Andrew Reynold in the Shake Junt video is really good.

I'm going to finish out the week with 2001 and then probably have one more week from '01 next week. I'll be switching to 2002 at the end of April. I've been looking through the issues of Strength, Big Brother and Skateboarder that I have for '02. I'm finding some good stuff, especially since Strength and Big Brother ceased to exist and things from their pages haven't made the way to the internet yet. It's interesting to see what slips through the cracks of your memory over the years.

Sean Peterson took the photo.

Strength - October 2001

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