Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Caswell Berry.

Keep on rolling with the Tiltmode Army.

Caswell was on Powell, then Toy Machine and finally enjoi. He had a picture in Thrasher when he was super young in Counterfeit gear at Derby. Caswell's got all terrain skills and isn't just a handrail guy. I'm a fan.

Since I've been using stuff from 2001, I realized I had a few issues of Strength from that year. The mag started as a Midwestern/East Coast version of Big Brother and then evolved over the next couple of years. They toned down the porn stars and other sketchiness while upping the art content in the early 2000s. They also cleaned up the layouts by not trying to jam as much text on the page as humanly possible. I'm mostly going with photos from 2001. I'll use some of the interviews with artists such as Andy Jenkins and Ross Pope when I get to 2002 in a month or so.

Aaron Jones took the photo.

Strength - October 2001

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