Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Victor Fonosch.

You can maybe file this one in the head scratcher category.

According to a few of the Shorty's ads, Victor was handpicked to ride for them by Chad Muska. He was treated to the complete Muska hook up, which included all the different Shorty's gear, Ghetto Child Wheels and Circa Footwear. He was an occasional house guest at the Shorty's skatepark. I'm not exactly sure what they were going for with this marketing effort for their newest rider. Also keep in mind that this is from the waning years of Shorty's before the original team split for Element, SK8MAFIA and parts unknown.

Big Brother - November 2002 Number 90

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

After reading this post I watched my copy of the Summer 2002 On video (the one about the Carlsbad gap), which featured an am article, "New Kids on the Block." The ams showcased - either with video clips or magazine ads - were: Victor Fonosch, Evan Hernandez, Darrell Stanton, Jereme Rogers, Scott Christiansen, Jason Jones, Knox Godoy, Terry Kennedy, Austin Stephens, Anthony Moseley, Chris Cole, Ryan Smith, Jon Allie, Lindsey Robertson, and Jeremiah Vance, who was the real focus of the piece with his Element team manager saying, "he's got an amazing future in front of him."

Some made good on the promise they showed, some just faded, and one kooked it to the point he's now a laughingstock.

--Rikku Markka

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