Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Nevada was a comic by Gustavo Vargas that ran in Slap from 1994 to 1998. Vargas also contributed some Nevada art to 'zines as well. I got a request for some of his work, which is what ultimately led to the skateboard comic feature. I thought the internet would produce some results as to what Vargas was up to these days, but I couldn't find anything. This surprised me a little as I figured some of the episodes of Nevada would have been scanned by somebody else, but apparently they haven't. Now I'm curious as to what the story is behind all of this. Anybody know?

Phil Shao.
12/28/1973 - 8/22/1998.

Slap - June 1997 Volume 6 Number 6


apesundercover said...

Hi! I LOVED this entire series and collected it via a SLAP mag subscription. Still have them all. I have tried to find Vargas a few times as well over the years-wondered what happened to him as an artist. Probably should have reached out to Jenkins and the like. Most recently I have been interested in finding him for possible artist collaboration on Surf Board art with an NYC shaper. His work was so distinct and really resonated with me.

Justin said...

I scanned a bunch of Nevada episodes so maybe I'll post some more soon.

It's so odd that there is absolutely nothing on Vargas anywhere. He did a lot of stuff for a variety of companies in the 1990s that you figure there would be something about him on the net.

Anonymous said...

Please do post more Gustavo Vargas scans. I'm astounded that literally nothing has made it's way to the Internet. Do the world a solid and let people see more of his art.

Justin said...

End of next week, Anonymous.

Anonymous said...

Yo! Justin it’s Alan from Arkansas/Deadbird. My search for Gustavo has led me here to a page from your webzine! I didn’t archive ANY of my old Slap’s so all I’ve had to go on is a plexicut print I did back when we were at UofA together. It is inspired by / studied from a single panel of a hand gesture with the quote “cast them aside.”
I have been in contact with the guy who does the page “oldslapmags” on IG and he just found some issues w Nevada in them. That got me the name! Finally! Then that lead here! Hope you have found more info.
-Short Dog

Justin said...

What's up, Alan.

I have found absolutely nothing on Gustavo beyond what I've posted on here.

I am thoroughly impressed that Vargas has completely disappeared from the face of the earth in this age of the internet. He was also doing board graphics and art for other people beyond the two pages in Slap.

I've got a bunch of Nevadas scanned on here beyond this post. I'm not sure if I've scanned all of them that I have, but I might be close. I kind of gave up on ever finding out anything about the guy.

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