Monday, August 20, 2012

Wrench Pilot.

Vert Is Dead is going to spend the next two weeks looking at skateboard comics. It was only going to be a week at first, but after a little thought I came up with a list of eight or nine comics and figured to stretch it to two weeks. We love them cartoons.

First up is Andy Jenkin's Wrench Pilot. This was started on the pages of his Bend 'zine and then moved to Transworld for the late 1980s and early 1990s. Wrench Pilot chronicled the adventures of Lettus Bee, who sometimes would wind up in rather surreal situations. He was always representing Foundation and Gullwing. Even though Wrench Pilot came to an end, Lettus is still out there shredding away and sometimes pops up on board graphics or in features about skateboard comics.

Transworld - September 1991 Volume 9 Number 9

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