Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Tim Jackson & Scott Oster.

Lords of Dogtown.

Scott and Tim were both pro for Dogtown. You would always see photos of Tim doing crazy wallrides and step off shove-its that would leave you wondering how those tricks were actually done. After watching some clips recently, you realize that the tricks are a lot more fluid in real time versus the split second captured on film. Scott was, to borrow the phrase from Skate T.V., a style king. Everything he did was smooth and stylish.

David Gonzalez won Thrasher's S.O.T.Y. Props to the kid from Columbia. He helped his cause out by having mini ramp and transitions in his Possessed To Skate clip. I'm getting the Pretty Sweet DVD for Christmas and won't see it until then, so I can't offer any opinion on that yet. I would say that maybe Guy Mariano should have won. My pick from Thrasher's list of finalists would have been Justin Figueroa because he had two strong video parts on the year - Shake Junt and Bake & Destroy. In all seriousness, it should have been Dennis Busenitz. Pushing SF. Enough said.

Chuck Katz took the photos.

Thrasher - September 1989 Volume 9 Number 9

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