Thursday, February 21, 2013

Charlie Watts.

Built To Spill.

How old are you and where do you live?
I'm eighteen and a Taurus. Me and my friend Jon Miner have the same birthday, it's on the 26th of April. I live in Santa Rosa, CA.

What do you think of the Simon Woodstock/Sean Palmer fight?
I think, for once, Simon won't be the clown.

What influences your skateboarding?
Everything from music to work to friends like Dan Drehobl and Chris Senn.

If you went to a deserted island and could bring one beer, what would it be?
Pabst Blue Ribbon.

What do you like about Santa Rosa?
People here got heart, kid. Just kidding. People here aren't fake, they don't feel they have to be different than they are.

What do you like to skate?
Mostly I like to skate street and transitions, but I've been known to skate a cardboard box for hours.

Who would you like to thank?
I'd like to thank all my friends in Albuquerque, Simon and Sonic, Venture, Hornet Wheels, Rob Dotson, my family, Meg O'Brien and all the jerks at 469 14th street.


I'd like to say thanks to Skate Library for having a bunch of the more obscure mid 1990s videos on their website. It's really been helpful with tracking down information about the posts I've been making lately.

For the quote: Thrasher - March 1996 Volume 16 Number 3

Transworld - October 1995 Volume 13 Number 10


Anonymous said...

What is he up to now?

Justin said...

No clue. I'm lucky I remembered I had found this interview otherwise I would have rambled about how I liked the retro style graphics of Sonic. Was Charlie ever pro? I want to say that he was, but I'm now thinking that maybe he wasn't.

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