Monday, March 25, 2013

Jake Burns.

It's onto week two of the Black Label.

"Elle MacPherson, Cindy Crawford, and Paulina Porizkova, if you're reading this, don't get bummed. Jake really does like you, it's just that he wants Anne Pritcard to be his wife. He also wants a black Ford F-250 4x4, a lot of money, and a Cro-Mags/Black Flag record collection. Of course, if that fails, this all-terrain riding sixteen-year-old Huntington Beach resident will just hang with his friends, chase rad girls, eat tasty food and admire Mark Gonzales, Chris Miller, and Jose Cerda."

Jake happens to have the same name as the frontman for Stiff Little Fingers, which is why it says Nobody's Hero in the ad.

Alec Schroeder took the photo.

For the info: Thrasher - February 1990 Volume 10 Number 2

Thrasher - August 1990 Volume 10 Number 8


Esteban™ said...

Never saw this one. Cro-Mags record collection? They had two lps out at the time of this ad, should've been easy!

Arcadia Andy said...

That is Alec Schroeder's ramp when he lived in Los Alamitos. The garage ramp mini was a blast!

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