Monday, August 19, 2013

John Rattray #3.

New balance in the old world.

I scanned a week's worth of things from the British skateboard magazine Sidewalk Surfer. I would buy an issue of the mag whenever I saw it at bookstores back in the late 1990s. Their coverage was about the skate scene in England and surrounding countries, along with the occasional article on visiting US teams on summer tour. Sidewalk is still around and recently put out their 200th issue.

Was Panic a sister company of Blueprint? I always thought Rattray rode for Blueprint before joining up with the Zero Army.

Sidewalk Surfer - October/November 1997 Issue 21


mb said...

Panic was around a little before Blueprint but out of the same distributor. John rode for Panic first before switching at around the time that Blueprint was becoming more the more popular and dominant of the two. Panic carried on for a while on a smaller scale and we all know what happened to Blueprint...

Justin said...

Damn shame about Blueprint. Isle looks cool.

That would make sense given the similarities between the two companies' ads and addresses.

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