Monday, August 17, 2015

Kevin "Spanky" Long #3.

"That was also a semi-gradual thing, but what happened was first I started just looking at this opportunity differently and wanting to do something about it—not necessarily get my sponsors back or anything like that, but some super-close friends were like, “Dude, why don’t you try not drinking, see if that helps. Figure out what the next step is and give skateboarding a real go.” So I was, like, “Sure, that’s no problem,” thinking that it was just gonna be some casual-like experiment. And basically, for one reason or another, I re-found my passion for skateboarding and realized that my body wasn’t as bad as I thought and that I had actually just been torturing it and kicking it while it was down! So I started skateboarding every day and I really just fell back into being out there and decided that my potential was much different than I thought. I just started wanting to chase my own potential. And that snowballed into being accountable, being present, being out there and having a blast and getting healthy and skating with the guys and re-forming relationships and, yeah, things have just been slowly coming back together."

It's good to see somebody get their act back together to rejoin the sponsored ranks. Spanky's got a couple of tricks in the new Thrasher from the Stay Flared tour.

For the quote: Thrasher - May 2015 Volume 35 Number 5

Transworld - May 2009 Volume 27 Number 5

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