Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Otis "O" Bartholomew.


O is a master lensman. He's also played guitar and sang in Fluf and Olivelawn. Along with Neil Blender and Lance Mountain, O had a part in Powell Peralta's Ban This that featured the trio dorking around on tiny ramps, playing music, and having fun.

I'm cleaning off the hard drive for the next week or two with maybe a couple of new scans so things will be random. I've been burned out on computer life so I'm trying to avoid machines after work as much as possible. The next big project I'm going to undertake will be putting together something on Skate More. Also Rasa Libre and maybe enjoi ads from 2001 if I haven't done those already. I found some good ones while I was searching for Bam stuff.

Transworld - April 1995 Volume 13 Number 4


rnc said...

That's a great ad.

Always loved the use of that Olivelawn song in plan b.

You got any favorite skate video soundtracks?

One of mine is definitely Savannah Slamma.

Justin said...

That Olivelawn song was so good. I think the album as a whole was solid. I haven't listened to it in ages. O set up a Bandcamp for Fluf so all their songs are on there. They had some good ones.

I know there are a few videos I dislike or have been disappointed with because of the soundtrack.

As for favorites, Memory Screen, Oververt, Mosaic, and that one Toy Machine video from a couple years ago come to mind. Generally, Real videos have good tunes. That's just off the top of my head.

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