Thursday, September 24, 2015

Thomas Morgan #5.

Race City.

Thomas was the vert am on the Alien Workshop before turning pro for the Sect. He had been riding for G & S. He mixed things up with both street and vert in his part in Memory Screen. For Timecode, Thomas was strictly out in the streets. I've always been a fan of his skating.

Thrasher - October 1992 Volume 12 Number 10


nonickname said...

as part of the T.O scene with Weiss, Bokma, and Corbett, Thomas was always the reserved, quiet guy out of that bunch and always seemed like a decent guy. When the Alien deck with the Maple Leaf dropped everyone up here went crazy.

Justin said...

That's cool. That was a neat deck. The ad had the date in it so I posted it on the same day. Thomas sent me a thank you email, which was rad.

nonickname said...

Burning with Boredom? Damn, just watched his Timecode part after reading this...the Toronto spots in it take me back to high-school when we'd all bomb downtown on the go-train, meet up at the Eaton Centre and skate spots until we were kicked out and just keep moving.

Unknown said...

The smoking bird graphic was the most seen T-shirt in fall of 1993. Many skaters wore this graphic, which was popular 22 years ago, my sophomore year in high school. Thank you for the memories Mr. Thomas.

Anonymous said...

My first deck was Thomas's "Whales" slick, Alien Workshop of course.

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