Friday, March 18, 2016

Caswell Berry #3.

"Call the police, I just got robbed."

Caswell is from San Jose, California. His first photo in Thrasher was of a kickflip at Derby wearing Counterfit gear. He was probably barely a teenager in the picture. Caswell was sponsored by Powell and switched over to Toy Machine. He turned pro for the Machine in 2002 and left for enjoi in 2003. He's still repping the Panda to this day. In terms of footwear, he was on Circa before changing to Osiris. He's also still on Osiris. Caswell has sustained a few serious injuries and ailments over the years, but keeps on rolling. His part in Bag of Suck has a lot of big rails and ollies, as well as regular and switch flip tricks. He can skate transition, too. His other sponsors include Krux Trucks and Ricta Wheels.

I looked and looked, but could not find the ad with a bloody Caswell. Jerry Hsu took the photo and it was posted on Patrick O'Dell's Epicly Later'd website in September of 2004. There is a small copy of the ad in the 15 years of enjoi issue of Transworld. My Slap and Transworld collections have some gaps in them from 2005 to 2007 so I'm making an educated guess it was in one of those mags.

Dumbbells: Skateboarder - May 2008 Volume 17 Number 9

Krux: Thrasher - February 2005 Volume 25 Number 2

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