Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Rick Howard #12.

Slipping Into Darkness.

Rick shared a part with Mike Carroll in Mouse. Mike was recovering from some injuries that limited his on board time. Rick does a bunch of fakie 5-0 and noseslide variations to go with a number of frontside pop shove-its. He even hits up a couple of handrails. Also of note in Mouse is Rick's skateboarding in the woods skit. He rides through the leaves and fallen trees in the forest with a little help from some well placed plywood.

I hit my goal of skateboarding at least 200 times on the year today during my lunch break. I went to the park for fifteen windy and kinda crappy minutes. It was cheap, but it counts. I knew I'd get to 200, but I think I was stressing out a little the last couple of days since the weather is looking variable.

The photo is by Lance Mountain.

Transworld - May 1995 Volume 13 Number 5

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