Monday, February 13, 2017

Dave Duren #3.


Dave is from Florida, having lived in Miami and Deland. He was first sponsored by H-Street and later switched to Dave Andrecht's 777. Steve Douglas offered him a spot on the team at the New Deal in 1993. He had a part in 1994's Children of the Sun video. As the New Deal was phased out, Dave moved over to Element. He left them for Media in 1997. Etnies and Duffs gave him some shoes over the years. He's into art and playing guitar. Some of his favorite bands include The Smiths, Lush, The Cure, and Slowdive. Based on an old Transworld interview, Dave likes Wendy's and ice cream.

Transworld - March 1997 Volume 15 Number 3


Anonymous said...

The worst, blandest era of Element. And that's saying a lot.

Anonymous said...

when andy howell left and johnny shilleriff took over it got a bit dull.

Justin said...

Geez, you guys are going to hate the rest of this week.

I do agree that this ad is dull and only used it because Dave rips.

Anonymous said...

He skated too slowly and had a delicate style.

Rikku Markka said...

You think HE skated too slowly? Watch Matt Milligan's part in Children of the Sun.

--Rikku Markka

Henry said...

I like the backside ollie to tail / backside flip out on mini ramp.
And I don't hold his speed against him. In the past, there were a lot of guys who skated "slow" by today's standards. I think once Busenitz became popular, 100 miles an hour became the go-to speed.

Justin said...

Nothing slow about Dave in Six Newell:

I watched his part and Matt's part in Children of the Sun. Both have a few tricks where they are going a little slow. You also have to consider skateboarding was coming out of the small wheels phase so people were relearning how to go faster again.

Anonymous said...

I never thought I would hear people complaining on this site, Dave killed/kills.

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