Monday, March 13, 2017

John Drake #4.

West Virginia Mountaineer.

Congrats to Louie Lopez on winning the Tampa Pro. I know I'm a week late on this.

The first issue of the now bi-monthly Transworld is out. It looks pretty darn good. I'm curious why they went with Helvetica instead of Avant Garde for the font, like they used to use. TWS only printed six issues a year back in the 1980s.

Grant Brittain and Dave Swift are no longer on the masthead for the Skateboard Mag. Dave did have a photo in the new issue. The best article might be Jerry Hsu's collection of photos from his time on Osiris.

Blockhead is doing another batch of anniversary reissues and whatnot. I just got the DVD of Splendid Eye Torture so I no longer have to watch my VHS tape of it.

It got really cold this weekend and I came down with a head cold thus making for a successful couple of days. I did manage a little sidewalk surfing on Sunday afternoon when the sun was shining. We are supposed to get a lot of snow over the next few days.

The picture is by Strength's photo editor Joel Porczak.

Strength - Volume 3 Number 14 Early Winter 1999

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