Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Keegan Sauder #2.

"I have lots of memories from my dishwasher days. I worked at this place, The Foundation, in Vancouver. I almost lost part of my thumb to a giant can of beans there once. I somehow wedged the tip of my thumb in between the rim and the lid. Also, my bosses were awesome. They would throw these staff parties on an island for a couple days at a time. Once I got lost in the woods at night only 50 feet from the house; alcohol is one helluva drug."

Easy rider.

For the quote: Skateboarder - October 2008 Volume 18 Number 2

Thrasher - July 2003 Volume 23 Number 7


Rikku Markka said...

Has he ever turned pro? I know he was on Zero and skated at least one Tampa pro contest, but did he ever get a board?

--Rikku Markka

nonickname said...

In other news Danny Way is being his disingenuous best over at CBI.

Justin said...

Yes, Keegan did turn pro. A Google image search says he had boards with his name on them from both Zero and Blood Wizard. His Zero graphics are kind of neat. There's one with the classic OG skull with a vintage motorcycle helmet.

I'll have to check out the interview with Danny. The Andy Stone one was great.

Rikku Markka said...

How is he being disingenuous, in your opinion? (And I ask honestly, no snark.) I might learn something I had no prior knowledge of.

--Rikku Markka

nonickname said...

No problem. Saying "the company made those shirts" (rainbow with bullet holes), "the company made those ads" (Fags)...basically saying he had no control over it...but early in the interview he talks about his career was about gaining control, but he blames some blatant homophobia on being young/the "company". I just think he's deflecting for some questionable choices... "questionable" ha! (had to put a lame pun in to lighten the reply.

Justin said...

I was impressed Chops asked the difficult questions and Danny answered them. I figured a few of those topics might be off limits. It was sort of hard to tell if he was being confident or cocky with some of his answers. I suppose doing the type of stuff he does on a skateboard, you need to have that degree of confidence.

There was a whole lot of "you do dumb stuff when you're young" as an explanation. Granted that will have a degree of merit at times, like the feud with Tony Hawk. At others it feels like a cop out, like when he was talking about going out and raging before turning 18 so they still had youthful offender status. Given some of the incidents around, or vaguely around, him, that didn't sit well with me.

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