Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Dane Brady #2.

Small Wheels.

Dane is from Portland, Oregon. He had the opening part in Polar's I like it here inside my mind, don't wake me this time video from last year. Of note for that part was that Pontus Alv used the song "Alone" by The Cry, which was in H-Street's Hokus Pokus video from 1989 for a European tour montage. It's also worth noting Hokus Pokus was released about five years before Dane was born. That bit of history aside, Dane recently turned pro for Polar. He does a lot of curb and slappy tricks, mixes in some handrails, wallrides, and ollies.

Never forget Tim Brauch.

The photo is by Matt Price.

Transworld - March/April 2017 Issue 385

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