Monday, May 8, 2017

Kyle Walker.

Oklahoma thunder in Kansas City.

Kyle is from Moore, Oklahoma. He rides for Real, Thunder, Spitfire, Volcom, and Vans. His favorite skateboarder is Andrew Reynolds. Kyle's favorite tunes include a lot of hip hop, Fleetwood Mac, and Slayer. He was first hooked up for sponsorship by Adio, then Emerica, and Zero, but was given a chance to ride for Real and has since turned pro for them. He's allergic to beets. Based on his ability to grind gigantic handrails and ollie massive gaps, Thrasher honored Kyle with their Skater of the Year award for 2016.

It's going to be newer stuff for the rest of the month. I always come up with a list and then in the search process the list gets changed so I just end up picking out whatever. I figure it's a good idea to save some things for the future.

Thrasher - May 2015 Volume 36 Number 5


nonickname said...

I know this isn't in any way holy crap is that big. No room for error there video of this?

Justin said...

There's got to be video. Maybe the Vans video or a Real clip? I have no clue. I doubt it went straight to Instagram. Ishod had a trick for a Thrasher cover at the same spot. It's a gigantic set of stairs.

Rikku Markka said...

It's in the Real video "Through and Through." That video was straight to the web and is about 18 minutes long. You can find it on YouTube.

--Rikku Markka

nonickname said...

Thanks Rikku, just watched it now.

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