Wednesday, July 5, 2017

King Of The Road 2003: Volcom.

Dustin Dollin and Remy Stratton.

Recreational Vehicle.

The Volcom squadron for King of the Road consisted of Caswell Berry, Javier Sarmiento, Rune Glifberg, Dennis Busenitz, and Dustin Dollin. Remy Stratton handled team management duties, Scott Pommier snapped the photographs, and Trevor Prescott worked the video camera. Their mystery guest was Arcade pro Jay "SAD" Stephens. They rolled through Boston, Newport, Skatopia, Cincinnati, Chicago, Denver, Albuquerque, and Santa Nella on the way to SF.

Rather than use the standard Ford Econoliner van, Remy opted to rent the crew a giant RV. It made the drive comfortable, except for the time it broke down on the road to New Mexico. In addition to hucking his carcass around on his board, Dustin handled archiving the video footage from each day. The Volcom team hung out with Sid "The Package" Abruzzi in Rhode Island and Dustin got tattooed by former Alva pro Fred Smith. They were also the victim of a firework attack from the éS team during their stop at Skatopia in Ohio. Caswell and Javier tied for team MVPs with 18 tricks each. Caz also took home the most stairs ollied with 18 and the biggest channel transfer at Skatopia. They came in a very close third in the contest.

Scott Pommier took the photos.

Thrasher - January 2004 Volume 24 Number 1


nonickname said...

I know the skate community/industry is small but how often on these things do you think a mystery guest drew a blank from members of a team? SAD is a pretty random choice.

Justin said...

Dustin didn't know who Fred Smith was at all and he got a tattoo from him.

The guests were somewhat random for the first KOTR. SAD was still getting coverage around the time so he wouldn't have been a huge mystery. I think some of the future KOTRs had some confusing guests, particularly for the younger guys.

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