Friday, August 18, 2017

Heath Kirchart #10.


It's Heath. What else do you need to say?

It was raining cats and dogs last night so I felt fine with a day off from skateboarding. If it had been dry, I would have felt bad about watching a dreadful pre-season football game.

Congrats to enjoi on winning King of the Road.

Up next is two weeks of random stuff from 2011. I went with the suggestion of picking out things I liked over developing any sort of theme.

Skateboarder - January 2007 Volume 16 Number 5


Rikku Markka said...

Do you root for the Bills? If not, which team do you follow? I don't have a favorite NFL team, so when I watch I just want to see a competitive game. I tried to watch a bit of the Tampa v. Jacksonville game, and wow ... just so bad. I know it is preseason, but I don't think either team is going to improve that much between now and when games count.

Justin said...

The game was terrible last night. All the Bills had to do was focus on cutting down on penalties from last week. They didn't They managed 15. They scored 16 points.

I follow the Bills with a critical eye because I live here, but I have no emotional attachment to the team. I want them to be successful because everybody is happier around here when they win. It also gives me something to talk about with people out at the bars.

I don't have a favorite NFL team, I'll watch whatever is on. I'm a casual fan. I don't do fantasy stuff or obsess over all the stats. I admit defeat to the all powerful NFL now.

I think the only sports team I care about are the Kansas City Royals. I still keep up with the Lakers and I'll come back to liking them if they start to win again, but otherwise I mostly watch basketball as a whole.

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