Thursday, September 21, 2017

Andrew Reynolds #8.

Burning of the Midnight Lamp.

Fun fact about these Emerica ads: A whole bunch of 'em ran upside on the back cover of Skateboarder. I guess it makes them stand out, but the printers must have hated it.

Skateboarder - April 2004 Volume 13 Number 8


nonickname said...

quick question for Justin and everyone else. any idea which board company presses with steeper tails? Been skating an older reproduction board and after going back to my new/popsicle shape the tail just feels really flat, so looking for something with the best of both worlds. Thanks.

Henry said...

Nah, I never paid attention to concave or how steep the tail is. I'm not sure how different companies compare.

Justin said...

Boards seem pretty mellow these days. I don't think many have steep tails like they used to in the 1980s. I had a Hard Times Manufacturing deck a few years ago that had more concave and maybe a little more kick than most boards, but that's about the only difference I can recall. I think boards are either good flat or crappy flat currently.

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