Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Heath Kirchart #11.

"It goes back to the fact that I'm not going to make money after skateboarding. I have no skills in life. There's nothing I can really do. If I lost all my money and the economy went to shit, I don't know what I'd do. I couldn't get a job. I'm not social. I can't do anything relating with people. If I had nothing and nothing to fall back on, I'd try to get a job at Sole Tech. But if that went under and the economy got so bad that all the skate companies went away and it went back to 1990, I would have no idea what to do."

I think one of the kids in the brand new Emerica video tossed himself down this gap, too. I believe it was Victor Aceves, the new am on Toy Machine. Emerica always does a solid job of picking out music for their projects.

For the quote: The Skateboard Mag - April 2009 Issue 61

Skateboarder - December 2004 Volume 14 Number 4

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