Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Brian Brown.

"B. Brown brings the steeeezzzz! That's one thing that's missing in skating today. Everyone can do everything, but can they make it look good? He also brings that East Coast flava that I never get to see out on the West Coast." - Vern Laird, Listen team manager


Brian is from Westchester, New York. He had the opener in Listen's Viajeros Locos video from 2007. This trick is in the part. His section featured a lot of flip tricks into banks and smooth lines full of manuals. He's not afraid to throw some wallrides or no-complies into mix for the sake of variety. Brian also had the first part in Transworld's Let's Do This, which was released in 2007 as well. Both those parts are heavy on New York City spots. He rode for Zoo York prior to Listen. Adio sponsored his feet. This is one of those guys I feel I missed in the mid 2000s. Brian has got a casual and relaxed style where everything he does looks good. If you need something to do at work today, look up his parts on the old internet thing. It's worth the effort.

For the quote: Transworld - August 2005 Volume 23 Number 8

Skateboarder - August 2006 Volume 15 Number 12


Anonymous said...

You know, that could be a possible theme- underrated guys. I think Casey Rigney is the all time underrated guy. I only saw him on video years later. I thought, Damn, why did this guy not blow up? He came and went, under the radar.

Unknown said...

Whoa who knew, kid is good

Justin said...

There's too much to take in at times.

Who was the other guy on Arcade that was really good? Bryan London? I should do a week of Arcade at some point.

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