Monday, October 16, 2017

Daniel Haney #2.

Space Invaders.

Born: Little Rock, Arkansas
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 165
Shoe size: 9.5
First axe: Claus Grabke
Favorite spots: LA Courthouse and Camelot Benches, Arkansas
Movies: Pulp Fiction and Empire Strikes Back
Book: The Alchemist
Car: '89 Mazda 626
Who's rad: Gonz
Who's sad: Simple As Death
Rail or curb: Rail
Ice cream flavor: Cookies and cream
Salt or pepper: Pepper
Who's rad: Gonz
Who's sad: Simple As Death
Tunes: Marley and Dylan
Chow: Anything organic, sushi
Hall of fame: Bob Dylan
Gator or Hosoi: Hosoi
Words of wisdom: "Many tragic things have been said by tongue and pen, but none so tragic as what might have been."

For the Firing Line: Thrasher - April 2003 Volume 23 Number 4

Thrasher - December 2002 Volume 22 Number 12

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