Monday, November 27, 2017

Ben Gore #3.

"I was living in SF at that point. My friend Evan randomly grabbed my footage and sent it to Hi-Fi Wheels, a Stereo distributed wheel company. They started sending me wheels and then I had a little part in one of the Hi-Fi videos. Chris Pastras hit me up after that and asked me to come down to LA. So I did Stereo for a little while. Turned pro. That was rad."

Riddles in mathematics.

One more week of new stuff and then it will be old stuff for December. I still have to figure out what all to scan for the month. I intended to do a little planning over the long weekend, but inertia won out.

Dave Chami took the picture.

For the quote: Transworld - February 2017 Issue 384

Transworld - September 2011 Volume 29 Number 9

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