Friday, November 3, 2017

Darren Navarrette #10.

"We listened to Navarrette's mix tape everywhere. It wasn't bad, except for this one song that Darren would have to listen to when he was trying something for the camera. Like at Lincoln City he was trying frontside hurricanes to fakie on the big vert wall - so gnar gnar - but unfortunately it took him a few dozen tries to make it, meaning we had to listen to the beginning of that damn song a few dozen times. We don't even know who plays it. "I like the bass line," he said. All I can hear is the buzz that starts the song. It's so annoying. I can only describe it on paper as an army of robot crickets all chirping together at the same time. "DEEDEEDEEDEEDEE!" Dan Drehobl would cue up the tape, hit play, "DEEDEEDEEDEEDEE!" Darren would roll in and bail. Drehobl would rewind the tape, cue it up, hit play, "DEEDEEDEEDEEDEE!" bail. Over and over again. It sucked. But it worked. He made it." - Dave Carnie

Dave explains Darren's motivational tactics on a tour of skateparks in Oregon for the Skateboard Mag from 2004.

I got skateboarding for the first time in a week last night. It's been raining since Saturday. Things were still warm so that was nice. Taking a few days off felt good, too.

Random newer stuff is on tap for November. There will also be a pair of old spot stories and pages of shoes from CCS catalogs.

Jeff Kendall took the picture.

For the quote: The Skateboard Mag - October 2004 Issue 7

Thrasher - June 1996 Volume 16 Number 6

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