Friday, December 1, 2017

Nate Jones & Max Schaaf.

4Q Conditioning & Velvet Jones.

I think the general theme for November has been skateboarders whose video parts I like so I'll wrap it up with these two guys. Nate had a true classic of a part with the opener in Real's Real To Reel from 2001. Max has consistently been a favorite of mine over the years, ranging from the Real Video in 1993 to his section in the aforementioned Real To Reel to 2005's Roll Forever and beyond.

Real's logo from this time period is a solid piece of design work.

I've gotten in some lunch break skateboarding the last four days at the skatepark. It's been varying degrees of nice outside. The forecast calls for a good weekend and the possibility of snow later next week. I will gladly take 45˚ F and sunny with no wind for every day in December, but that probably ain't happening.

It will be the traditional 1988-1991 old school stuff for the rest of December starting on Monday. This weekend is going to involve some planning and scanning. I usually get everything ready to go at Thanksgiving so I don't have to touch a scanner until the new year, but I was lazy this time around.

Thrasher - February 2003 Volume 23 Number 2

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