Monday, March 26, 2018

Alex "Trainwreck" Gall #2.

Aggressive Perfector.

Monster Trucks were made by Giant Distribution/Element and intended as a sister company to Destructo. The team featured some heavy hitters, such as Jamie Thomas, Brian Anderson, Heath Kirchart, and Matt Mumford. They were not around a long time.

Alex crushed a ton of spots like a runaway freight train in Transworld's In Bloom video. This backside lipslide at the Brooklyn Banks was in that part from 2002.

Atiba Jefferson took the photo.

Transworld - January 2002 Volume 20 Number 1


Anonymous said...

Only in the early 00s could a truck company have had a sister truck company.

Justin said...

Yup. I was tempted to mention Grind King's Kre-Per brand.

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