Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Jamie Thomas #10.

Chomp on this flatbar.

Portable obstacles were a trend in the early 2000s with several companies producing metal things to do tricks on. Zero had a couple different flatbars on the market. There was King Rails, which was run by former Blockhead rider Jeff King. Danny Way started Ramp Logic and enlisted Eric Koston and Tony Hawk to help sell a variety of launch ramps and ledges. I know there were a few more that I'm forgetting. I think these products were all kind of on the pricey side and the shipping cost would have been ridiculous, yet if a flatbar is there to skate, you will end up skating it. It's probably cheaper to buy wood and build your own launch ramp, but that might be beyond the realm of some people's woodworking skills.

Atiba Jefferson snapped the photo.

Transworld - February 2002 Volume 20 Number 2

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