Thursday, March 22, 2018

Kevin "Spanky" Long #6.

Staring at the sea.

Kevin was one of the new ams on Baker and Emerica in the early 2000s. It's interesting to see who manages to stick around compared to the people who burn out after a short career. He had ridden for Sixteen and Kareem Campbell's City Stars before joining Baker. He won the Skate Park of Tampa's 2003 Tampa Am contest and turned pro soon after. The kid they called Spanky has had a few obstacles to defeat over the years, but he's still pro today with a board on Baker. He's also still on Emerica and RVCA. I'm glad to see Kevin has persevered to keep on rolling. He's put out some good video parts and interviews with a nice mix of modern and classic tricks.

Transworld - December 2002 Volume 20 Number 12

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