Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Anthony Pappalardo #7.

Precise Drop.

It takes a few tries, but Anthony rides away from this nose manual into a thin bank in Habitat's Mosaic video from 2003. His part is good in that video because it combines a few raw ollies into banks and 50-50s on rails with different tech tricks like a hardflip to manual and a fakie ollie nose manual. There's a nice variety of tricks. The Dinosaur Jr. tune works perfectly with the skating. I miss these days of Lakai, but maybe it's better not to try to revisit them.

Rudy Johnson's son Diego has a nice little clip skateboarding to Sebadoh for Royal Trucks.

Transworld - October 2003 Volume 21 Number 10


Unknown said...

Sorry, but Tony is a tool when he was in interviews. Too cool. Uh you skateboard dude

nonickname said...

I figured he was a socially awkward dude who wasn't ready for a huge spotlight on him, but that's my take.

Unknown said...

That's actually a pretty good call

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