Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Danny Way #4.

Tricks that defy logic.

Danny is regular footed so I'm making an educated guess that he did a frontside ollie from the ramp to nose grind on the box since there was no caption for the ad.

Ramp Logic was Danny's obstacle company that was supported by DC Shoes. Tony Hawk and Eric Koston were on the team. It was around for a couple of years. Koston even had his own pro model ledge. I had found an ad with Eric, but I didn't like how it split between the two pages so I didn't scan it. Once I decided to do something on prefab ramps, I couldn't find that ad again and stumbled upon this one instead. It's a little more exciting.

Mike Blabac made the camera magic happen.

Transworld - May 2002 Volume 20 Number 5

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