Friday, April 20, 2018

Diego Bucchieri #3.

"What happened to us was that we’d watch an H-street video or a Santa Cruz video, and we’d see all the guys doing the tricks, and then we’d try and do the same tricks on our spots. Our spots were so shitty that it was actually way harder to do the tricks, so once you could do ’em there, you could do ’em anywhere. When I went to the States for the first time, I couldn’t believe how good the ground was. I was riding 59 millimeters and an eight-and-a-half-inch board on street in Argentina, and when I went to the States, I didn’t have to ride that tractor anymore. I got smaller wheels and a smaller board."

Lance picked a great angle to take the photos of Diego's stair blast.

Special enjoi post for Saturday. I've got no idea what I'm doing for the next week. Maybe 1998 or Big Brother stuff. I want to focus on some current pros and ams, but I haven't felt like putting the work into that quite yet.

Lance Dawes documented the stair jump.

For the quote: Transworld - January 2006 Volume 24 Number 1

Transworld - August 2002 Volume 20 Number 8


Nonickname said...

Rowley said something similar about when he and Penny first came over, they thought everything in the US videos were made first try so they had worked on consistency as they believed videos were put together in a few weeks. Then they came to Cali and blew people away with their motivation.

Justin said...

Diego mentioned what Rowley had said in the interview. I didn't include that paragraph. TWS has the full interview online here:

Saved me some typing this morning.

I was thinking that if he had gone to Phillie instead of SF, he would kept riding the same setup.

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to the Saturday post

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