Thursday, June 7, 2018

Daniel Kim.

Switch kickflip tail grab.

Daniel has been around for a while, but I hadn't really heard of him until his part in Colin Read's Spirit Quest video from 2016. I was a little surprised to see this ad. He does some different types of tricks, as is illustrated by this unique take on the nollie noseblunt slide.

Venture is making trucks that don't have graphics printed on them once again. I dig colored trucks, especially colored baseplates, but I don't care for screen printing on the hangers. I'll get around to setting these up eventually.

Slap - November 2008 Volume 17 Number 11


Unknown said...

Nice, back to basics justin. Never saw the point of screened trucks either. Just slap a sticker on em if ur that into it ha

Nacnud said...

There is an indy add from days of yore with a t-shirt lance mountain made that said paint walls not trucks. Pretty sure he had a screen printed signature truck.
always thought that an indy sticker on the hanger looked sick as.
also I did paint some hangers red cause Jamie Thomas did

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