Thursday, December 13, 2018

Mickie Alba #2.

Steve's brother grinds a pool.

The gas company was fixing a line on my street when I got home yesterday. This meant traffic was blocked off so I got to skateboard without the worry of getting hit by a car. The forecasted warmer second half of December appears to be materializing as predicted. Color me impressed.

The photo is by Chris Ortiz.

Thrasher - March 1990 Volume 10 Number 3


nonickname said...

Looking at the ad reminds me of the 1st real deck I ever bought, didn't know anything so went by graphic and got a vert deck with a giant whale tail and "Hell Concave". Not the best choice I've ever made.

Justin said...

Boards had some ridiculous tails back then. The fisheye does it no favors either. I remember the El Gato pool model on H-Street being absurd for teenagers skating small town streets.

Malba reminds of me of Navarrette in this photo. Or vice versa.

What's weird with President Bush passing away recently and going through Thrashers from the time of the first Gulf War was that Thrasher made a couple of shirts with American flag styled logos. Julien Stranger is wearing one in the post from last week, but it's probably super hard to tell from the scan.

Henry said...

You have different standards when you're 12

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