Thursday, December 27, 2018

Ray Barbee #6.

The Ragdoll.

After preferring Thunders early on, I've ridden nothing but Ventures for roughly the last 25 years or so.

To fill out the month of December, I picked an ad from each of the truck companies of the day - Indy, Tracker, Venture, and Thunder. I completely forgot about Gullwing. Oops. Next year.

There's a cool interview with Thomas Morgan up at the Chrome Ball Incident.

Thrasher - January 1990 Volume 10 Number 1


Henry said...

25 years of Ventures? That's commitment.

Rikku Markka said...

I'd rather look at a Gullwing ad, rather than a Tracker ad. GWP! Gullwing Power. Gullwing Products. Gullwing pride.

nonickname said...

and the Tuesday catalogue had some San Diego trucks, which I had completely forgot about...great logo though. although it wouldn't fly these days I guess.

Justin said...

Gullwing week next December for sure.

San Diego Trucks had a decent marketing push, but I don't think they lasted too long.

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