Monday, January 21, 2019

Tyshawn Jones.

Reigning Supreme.

Tyshawn is from the Bronx. He was one of the kids in Supreme's 2014 video Cherry and is all grown up now. He rides for Fucking Awesome, Adidas, Thunder, Spitfire, and Hardies Hardware. Thrasher blessed him with Skater of the Year honors for 2018. Tyshawn also owns a Caribbean-American restaurant called Taste So Good. He scored a classic cover with a huge NYC street gap ollie and wowed the internet with a nollie flip over a standing trash can off flat.

Rather than come up with some sort of list about what I liked from 2018 in skateboarding, I randomly picked out two weeks worth of skaters from the last twelve months to post. There's almost too much going on to keep track of these days and I know I'd forget something I was really stoked on.

I managed to go skateboarding on 274 days last year. A couple of those were probably kind of cheap, so let's just call it 270 to be on the safe side. The winter was mild up until this weekend when a foot of snow showed up. I've gotten to the park a bunch or at least squeezed in a few ollies in the street for the first half of January so that has been cool. I think it is going to be cold and snowy for a while now.

Thrasher - June 2016 Volume 37 Number 6

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