Thursday, March 7, 2019

Cairo Foster #12.

Carry the zero.

A couple of random things:

1. I want to set up a new board, but winter isn't going away quite yet so it is not worth the effort. My old one is at the point where it is done and the griptape has a little crust on it. I don't think I've ever let a board get this dirty before. I'm kind of disappointed in myself.

2. A couple of years ago I posted the Canvas article for Reuben Sawyer. I figured I probably had tapes of some of his music. It turns out he records under the name Rose and I do have three of his tapes of distant atmospheric techno. I only recently learned that bit of information.

Slap - December 1997 Volume 6 Number 12

1 comment:

Unknown said...

And yes I was a print subscriber of ten tworld in the past year, waste of money.

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