Friday, March 1, 2019

Crusty Trails.

"Thirteen feet of concrete death wave couldn't stop Peter Hewitt from his frontside handplant fate."

This here is the Thrasher version of the same trip to South America. Most of the crew went to Peru and Ecuador without the third stop in Venezuela. Drehobl, Cards, Paez, Hewitt, and Kirby all totally killed it. A number of the same guys headed back to Ecuador last year for a reunion tour that was documented in Thrasher. They even got Peter Hewitt to recreate the cover photo, although this time around it ran on the Something Else page.

The majority of photos are by Luke Ogden with a couple by Lance Dawes. The story is by Jake Phelps, written under the alias of Chip Detail.

Thrasher - March 1998 Volume 18 Number 3

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