Friday, March 22, 2019

Dan Drehobl #23.

"It seems like for a while there were a lot of rules in skateboarding, like people would judge you by whatever, and that's not what it's about, it's about having fun. Whatever you feel like doing, that's what you should do. When a trick comes to mind, just do it and don't worry about what everyone's going to think about you. It seems like too many people do that nowadays. Skateboarding is supposed to be an individual thing and it's not supposed to be about clothing or whatever."

Dan's take on skateboarding from 1994 sure sounds about like where we are currently. I think that's a good thing.

I had a pair of the Gama model in black. I really liked those shoes.

Bobby Worrest's new Venture part is plenty respectable. He does a few noseslides on some seriously high ledges.

For the quote: Thrasher - October 1994 Volume 14 Number 10

Transworld - November 1997 Volume 15 Number 11

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