Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Anthony Van Engelen #6.

Model airplane.

Ten things about Anthony's part in Mind Field:

1. Ollies out of banks to flat twice.
2. 50-50s in some very tight spots.
3. Lip tricks at DIY transition places.
4. There aren't many flip tricks.
5. Half Cab noseslide to backside tailslide.
6. Danny Way guest appearance.
7. Half Cab crooked grinds.
8. Fakie ollie nosegrind and fakie 50-50 on handrails.
9. Straight into and out of everything, no flips in or out.
10. Ollies over rails to 5-0, nosegrind, and 50-50.

The photo is by Ryan Allen.

Thrasher - October 2009 Volume 29 Number 10

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