Friday, April 12, 2019

Jason Dill #14.

Cellphone balloon.

Dill's part in Mind Field features a variety of manuals, DIY transition spots, slappys, and wallrides. He does a number of feeble grinds, too. There are even a couple of ollies. You get a glimpse of his life with scenes of his daily newspaper fascination and his crust palace of an apartment. The Animal Collective song that was used is fine for the section and fits well with the skating.

It's probably a toss up between Josh Kalis and Dill for my favorite part from Mind Field. Both guys were kind of in different places in their lives and what they were doing, but it somehow works perfectly for each.

The rough tiled volcano blaster in Thessaloniki, Greece photo is by Mike O'Meally.

Transworld - April 2009 Volume 27 Number 4

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