Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Omar Salazar #4.

Omar kicks off Mind Field with a two song part set to the music of J Mascis and Dinosaur Jr. It even features J rolling around in the driveway on a skateboard. I knew who Omar was from his time on Foundation, but in Mind Field, he's all grown and has developed his own breakneck style. He mixes in boneless ones and hippie jumps to go with blunt slides, handrails, and other assorted gaps. There's an over-vert ceiling grind, too. His skating has this fun aura, even though the danger potential is high for a number of his stunts. Everything is casual and loose, as if he's making it up as he goes along. This part made me a fan and I'm glad to see he's still going with his Doom Sayers Club.

The photo is by Dan Zaslavsky.

Thrasher - August 2009 Volume 29 Number 8

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