Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Raven Tershy #4.

"When Jake said something he meant it and the old man said a lot of things. But throughout every trip and all the time I was lucky enough to spend with the guy, the words I heard him speak/mumble or yell the most were, 'Nobody does it better than GT and Couch'" - Rowan Zorilla

One of Phelper's picks gets some airtime. This was a random choice for a scan and I'm glad I picked it after reading the latest issue of Thrasher. It all sort of fits together somehow. The new issue is a pretty heavy read as a tribute to Jake. There are a ton of old photos and stories about him.

Ben Colen was the photographer.

For the quote: Thrasher - June 2019 Volume 40 Number 6

The Skateboard Mag - June 2014 Issue 123

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