Friday, September 27, 2019

Clyde Singleton #5.

Aesthetically pleasing yellow jacket.

Clyde probably doesn't get enough credit for all the ripping he did on his skateboard. He always picked out quality tricks and did them well. He even skated a little vert.

There was an interview with Mike Clevinger in the USA Today the other day. Clevinger is a starting pitcher for the Cleveland Indians. In the interview, he said he used to skateboard and that his favorite pros were Zered Bassett and Bucky Lasek. He also said he keeps up with what Aaron "Jaws" Homoki is doing on Instagram. I assume there is a clause in his contract that prohibits skateboard riding. He is definitely into skateboarding if he is dropping Dr. Z's name as a favorite.

Chris Ortiz took the photograph.

Transworld - March 1999 Volume 17 Number 3

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