Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Dustin Dollin #2.

Tell me what's up with punk rock - do you like punk rock?

Not too much. I like different types of music - weird music that no one else likes.

Like what?

Like Frank Zappa and Ween.

Do you ever play that in the house just to piss everyone off?

Yeah, of course. Everyone hates it, and I laugh at people because they're mad.


Dustin being a terror back in the early days of Baker.

Stereo's graphics got horrible at the end. What exactly were they thinking? I know silly cartoons were popular at the time, but the braintrust at Deluxe doesn't usually swing and miss this badly.

For the quote: Transworld - December 1999 Volume 17 Number 12 (What was Transworld thinking by having the pages run upside down for a tribute to the fine country of Australia? This must have been a nightmare for the printer.)

Slap - May 1999 Volume 8 Number 5

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