Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Jerry Hsu #9.

"I started skating because I just wanted something to do instead of watching TV all day. I realized that was kind of lame. At first, it was just another thing to do when I was a kid, but it just turned into something I loved. It is just one of those things that never goes away. It just makes me feel good. . . It makes me feel bad sometimes, too (laughter). I lose my mind sometimes. But skating always felt good to me."

We're gonna find the meaning of feeling good.

I managed to get skateboarding at least a little every day in September. It got a tad dicey at the end due to a head cold and work, but I got it done. Of course, it rained last night on what will probably be the last truly warm day of the year.

The photographs are by Ed Dominick.

For the quote: Slap - September 1999 Volume 8 Number 9

Slap - June 1999 Volume 8 Number 6

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