Friday, January 29, 2021

Mason Silva.

Jeremy Wray 2020.

Mason is from Manhattan Beach, California. His brother got him into skateboarding and his dad built a mini ramp in the backyard. Mason's dad is a teacher and one of his students was Louie Lopez. The two became friends since they were about the same age and obviously both into skateboarding. He's inspired by the skating of Ray Barbee, Jeremy Wray, Jon Miner, Heath Kirchart, and Andrew Reynolds. Mason is into surfing, photography, and record collecting. Some of his favorite bands include Modest Mouse, Elliot Smith, Wilco, Built To Spill, and The Cure.

Are speed bumps seriously called speed humps in California?

It's been cold and seasonably wintery of late. I got to skateboard in the driveway on Monday when it was warmer. Otherwise, I've pushed around in the street for a couple of minutes the last two days. A lot of the pavement is covered with snow and ice. It's going to be a bit before the temperatures warm. I'm looking forward to testing out my new launch ramp. I want to see how it turned out before I go about building anything else.

Sound Zone: Since it is only January, there has not been much in the way of new music thus far for 2021, although a couple of things have popped up. Good Willsmith resurface with a live cassette of a show recorded in April of 2019 at the Sleeping Village in Chicago. It's a fine document of the band's sprawled out synth and guitar improvs. Marcia Bassett teams up with Thomas Dimuzio for an LP called Losing Circles. The duo churn out a remarkable batch of rising and falling drones and sound textures. It's a great abstract noise album created with Buchla synthesizers. The cover of Losing Circles features some vibrant op-art by Pete Greening as an added bonus.

Thrasher - January 2021 Volume 42 Number 1


Nonickname said...

Late to the party but they used to be called speed humps here in Ontario as well. I clearly remember a guy I knew in college stealing one for his house.

Justin said...

Thanks. Maybe my area is small town enough that we don't have signs for speed bumps.

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